What do we offer?
Wild adventure, Survival & Bushcraft, Team building & Forest School are great ways to fulfil many of the core educational requirements for children and young people. We seek to work with groups of individual learners who have unique needs, abilities and interests and are at different stages of development.
We pride ourselves in providing a unique environment for those with a wide range of needs including those that may need special consideration and facilities, we have worked hard to create sensory areas including our sensory herb garden, quiet hammocks in which to relax, the bare foot walk.
Participants will explore and experience the natural world through practical activities using the outdoors to promote cooperation, confidence, independence and self-esteem, includes the use of team-building games, archery, low ropes course & the obstacle course racing. We always do an open fire cooking activity.
Our environment will develop team building skills, assessed risk taking, problem solving skills, creative and investigative skills.
We can provide bespoke full day & half day experiences exploring a wide range of topics and stories.
- ‘Team Building & Survival Days’
- ‘Environmental’
- ‘Viking Explorers’
- ‘Stone Age’ curriculum sessions
- ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
- ‘Stick Man’ & ‘Snail Trail’ adventure days
- ‘Bushcraft & survival’
- ‘Woodcraft & Weaving’ Days
- Sensory Searchers
- Forest Art
- Bug Trail Explorers & Habitat investigators
You can come to us….we can come to you. General child led Forest School days or bespoke curriculum days with us, after school clubs and full days of delivering Forest School & Forest Fun sessions on your site. We are here to provide for any of your outdoor educational and explorational needs. Building self-esteem and resilience, creating investigators and growing confidence.
Prices start from £10 per child if you come to us for the day (9.30am-2.30pm) with a minimum charge of £300, from £60 for after school clubs & £110 per half day of Forest School regular sessions on your site & £190 for full days of Forest School delivered on your site. All prices include basic resources, such as willow for weaving and marshmallows for roasting.
Adults attending school visit days are not charged, but are expected to get involved.
What can you do at home?
- using your senses….seek to use you eyes, ears, nose and fingers to sense everything that is happening around you, think about how nature changes all year round. Go on walks, short walks, long walks, walk round your playground, through a local woodland, but get outside
- making seed bombs….clay, compost, wildflower seeds, mix this seeds and compost and then wrap it in the clay to make a round, moulded sphere, when made throw it in a wild space
- natural art…do this anywhere, anytime, make pictures on the ground using leaves, sticks, berries, conkers and cones
- den building, using sticks and leaves and a good tree with a V shaped lower branch, woodland spaces are ideal for this
- mud kitchen, every garden needs a mud kitchen

Activities for educators, schools and groups