Making Seed Bombs:
What you will need:
- compost
- seeds
- clay
- pointy stick
- Mix together compost & wild flower seeds
- Add a little water to the compost mix & press together into a ball
- Wrap the compost mix into a flattened circle of clay
Who, where & when?
- All age
- Anywhere
- Early Spring
Shelter Building:
Making shelter inside or outdoors can be fun for the whole family. Check out our ‘shop‘ for fabulous packs for all forms of shelter building. Enhancing cooperation and being creative.

Bug hunting:
- bug pot/clear yogurt pot
- magnifying glass
- bug ID book
Bugs are everywhere, lift up a stone, an old log, turn over a leaf and check out who lives under those leaves. look at them carefully, watch your bug move. Look them up in your ID book. What are they so important? We need our bugs, we need our flying insect & our buzzing bees. So be kind!

Check out all our packages carefully put together to make exploring, having fun and learning new skills at home easy!