Wrekin Forest School

Wild Kitchen Camp Fire Cooking…….exploring open fire cooking

Let's get practical in our wild, outdoor kitchen & have fun together in a relaxed atmosphere...........An exciting opportunity to cook a wide variety of dishes using our tried and tested recipes that work well over the open fire. Using the flame as your cooking friend, the right size fire for the job, making and using […]

Get Tickets £105.00 – £180.00 10 tickets left

Bushcraft/Survival Skills for Families…delivered in Polish

Wrekin Forest School & Events Crudgington Moor Lane

  This course will be delivered entirely in Polish by our friends...'Bushcraft.Team' Cześć Wszystkim Rodakom! W związku z wielkim zainteresowaniem poprzednim eventem, dzięki zaproszeniu od Wrekin Forest School znowu jedziemy do Was! Widzimy się 10ego listopada o 10 rano we Wrekin Forest School! Sesja potrwa do godziny 17.00, więc będziemy mieli aż 7 godzin na […]

Free – £40.00

Family Fun Three Night Camping & Forest Festival Bank Holiday Weekend Extravaganza

Wrekin Forest School & Events Crudgington Moor Lane

A three night camping experience with two days of activities for adults and children from yoga to circus skills & a mini disco on Saturday and one full day of led forest school & bushcraft family fun followed by a pizza & hot pot night. Snacks, including homemade cakes, lunch, evening meal & soft drinks […]

Get Tickets £25.00 – £185.00 48 tickets left

Family Christmas Craft Workshop

A family creative Christmas craft session designed for children aged 5-16yrs accompanied by at least one adult........lots of fabulous Christmas craft activities from tree decorations to making & decorating a Christmas stars, make a simple wreath or your own Christmas table cracker, create a beautiful table centre piece and much more. Included....all the resources your […]

Get Tickets £15.00 – £35.00

Winter Wreath Making

Get festive, learn a new skill together and create a beautiful Winter/Christmas wreath to make sure your door is the best dressed in town. Come along with friends for a relaxed, festive workshop. Willow hoops and metal stars provided with the option of a moss base. Locally sourced fresh foliage is provided, plus ribbon, bows, […]

Get Tickets £25.00 25 tickets left