Christmas Special Family Fun
14 December @ 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
£6.50 – £15.00A fabulous, fun event, full of festive cheer, including a visit from Santa with a gift for all children 12 yrs & under. Make your own family Rudolph Reindeer, jingle bells & other tree decorations, a wreath for the front door, wall or table decorations, snowman on a stand together.
Included in your ticket price will be unlimited coffee/tea/hot chocolate/squash or you may wish to enjoy a glass of fruit punch or mulled wine with a biscuit, homemade cake or mince pie.
NEW FOR THIS YEAR……..Enjoy a bowl of vegan hot pot, tomato pasta bake or hot dogs & roll….one portion per person included in your ticket price. £2 for an additional serving.
You can decorate a Christmas biscuits, mix up your own reindeer food or build a chocolate snowman, cut out your own peppermint cream sweet treats and wrap them in Christmas foil with a ribbon.
Enjoy painting in the craft room, including making your own wrapping paper or decorating your Santas, a treasure hunt, hoop game, as well as all the usual fun of Forest School from air rifle shooting to archery, mud kitchen to the zip wire.
Make as many baby reindeer as you wish, one large reindeer per family.
Santa will bring a gift for all children 12 yrs & under.
Marshmallows for roasting!
Lots of shelter, so don’t worry what the weather throws our way.
All that you need is included in this ticket, no hidden costs or additional fees.
Tuck shop will be available.